Sunday, September 23, 2007

One Open Locker

One Open Locker
Originally uploaded by jtpuck
So I've been doing some traveling lately (and will actually continue to do some more next month). I had a surprise invite to New Orleans for a photo shoot on one of my projects. Sounds flashy, but it wasn't some Victoria's Secret lingerie shoot with hot models and even hotter studio lights. Nope. It was for a concrete manufacturing client of ours that is developing some hot concrete structures & homes for rebuilding in the Gulf Coast region. I was sent with photographer Rick Rodriguez to art direct the pouring & installation of the materials in the hot hot heat. It was still great to be out of the office and work on-site with a photographer.

Secondly, Lyndsey, Ian, and I took a trip back to the valley for my High School 10-year reunion. Hard to believe it's actually been that long. We toured the school, chatted with some of our old teachers, went on a dolphin watch on the same boat we took our graduating class picture on, and had dinner with 40 of my classmates catching up on everyone's history.

It was really great to see everyone, listen to their stories, and see their families. Surprisingly, there were 2 other graphic designers. Ben Jenkins, who's also a printer, and Trent Schulze, who does primarily motion graphics. If the three of us got together, we'd have quite a studio on our hands .

Probably the most surprising, was this lone locker left open in the hallways of our school. Back in our day, there might have been one locker actually closed. We were a fairly open group that respected each other's property. If a locker was closed, chances are there was a Discman, or some other personal property worth some cash. I mean, who would steal my Calculus book, really? Today, these kids are probably hiding their dime bags of weed, or $300 iPods. Funny how things have changed.