Saturday, October 18, 2008


I made a joke the other day that my blog is turning into a monthly update of goings-on & observations and here I am posting a note after two months. Bad blogger, Jason. Bad, blogger. I would say I deserve a time-out, but frankly, being away from here for so long is a time-out in itself.

So, just to catch you up on a few things. I've added a profile on Facebook. This is where most of my online time has been used. I can chat with friends, post videos, pics, notes, etc... pretty quickly and follow others as well. It's been a lot of fun and I've caught up with quite a few old, old friends. If you haven't already, look me up.

Secondly, work has been i-n-s-a-n-e. A couple new clients, a couple new jobs, a whole lot of new challenges. When you've been developing brands for law firms for a while, it's easy to get scared & very excited, when a plastic surgeon from the L.A. area comes knocking at your door. Yeah, no kidding. We finished a logo and are working on a website, identity, and an announcement of their new office. All of which will be live by the end of the year. Also running through a few Holiday cards for some of our clients. That's pretty challenging considering you have to stay politically correct with words, meaning, & imagery. Sorry Santa.

With Paul Jerde, our Creative Director, on medical-leave while recovering from his accident, I've had the pleasure of working with our company's old head honcho: Willie Baronet. I started at MB just after he stepped away from daily activities and missed the opportunity of working with him. Going one-on-one with him during these challenging times has been amazing, inspiring, and very cool. He's had quite a life, and is still living it on his own terms, with great stories, unique experiences, and a down-to-earth approach that is commendable. He's currently working on a Masters in Art & Technology at UT-Dallas, and has a blog of his own where he publishes his own creative works & observations.

Let's see, umm, Lyndsey had a benign tumor removed from her palm, Ian had strep throat, and then we found out, the hard way, that he is allergic to amoxicilin. He started to have what looked like mosquito bites on his legs. There were a lot of mosquitos outside, so we thought nothing of it. Then one day, there were a hundred mosquito bits all over his body, neck, and face, and I know for a fact he didn't sleep outside that night. Sure enough, they weren't bites, but a classic case of a medicinal reaction. He enjoyed his oatmeal baths and calomine lotion rubs, but still couldn't quite keep himself from scratching. "It itches, mommy, daddy," was something we heard, and felt, very often. Thankfully, he's back to his old self again.

On a sadder note, a few weeks ago, George W. Lemons passed away. He was Lyndsey's last living grandfather; by marriage, mine as well, and Ian called him 'Paw-Paw.' He was a well-respected family man that always put others before himself and had a quiet sense of strength that no one ever challenged. He was a Mac user and always vacuumed on Thursdays. His days in the service helped develop his amazing ability to organize. You've never seen a garage setup like his. I loved him very much and will miss his presence during the holidays this year.

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