Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays!

2006 has been the most intense year of my life. The family and I have had so much going on, and somehow I don't see any signs of slowing down. Funny thing is, that's what I'm most excited about. It's not often you look down at your cafeteria plate and see every placeholder filled to the brim with daily activities. Then you think, well, I could hold another plate in my left hand. Maybe I can balance one on my head. Does it come with backpack straps?

So I look forward to this Christmas. It'll be the first time since high school where I will wake up and walk out to the living room to hand out gifts on Christmas morning. I'll miss my parents not being here this time around. I won't miss having to travel somewhere during this hectic time. What I will do is enjoy every minute watching Ian tear up the Christmas wrapping with his ear-to-ear smile and roll around the floor trying to figure out what all the hoopla is about. It'll be a great way to end the year and an exciting way to start a new one.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

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