Thursday, April 14, 2005

Bookmaking: Week One.

Originally uploaded by jtpuck.

Wednesday night I have a Bookmaking class where we do as the name says. Make Books, different types, with unique binding ways and styles; and we'll do a new set each week. A viable topic in the curriculum of graphic design, bookmaking is one of the most important aspects of any multi-page document. How will it be bound? Why did you choose that particular way? These are questions that will come up in our critiques, and it has to work right, have the correct meaning.

This is a collection of Single Section Pamphlet books that could used for a number of things. Small promotionals, note taking, journals. They were stitched together and I have the scar to prove. After this class, I'll never look at a book the same way again. Instead of opening it up to read the content, I'll be checking out the binding. Maybe you will too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Puckett!

A voice from your past...actually, I'm making the rounds through Aldo's blog. Figures.

Every once in awhile I look up former students (I have learned not to say "old" students...) and hey - found you!

Hope life is treating you great - it seems like you're doing well. :)

Former teacher -
Kris McDaniel
(but you'll remember me as Fulmer...)